
Friday 30 October 2020

The Ups And Downs Of Lockdown


Lockdown has been something which we've all had to experience, whether we liked it or not. Everyones lockdowns have been very similar, staying in, working from home, barely seeing your family and friends and missing them like mad. However everyones had their differences. Mine personally began with me feeling pretty positive, I could do college work from home, I could play video games all day long and I didn't even have to get dressed up in my usual college get up! (usually a skirt, jumper and boots or a dress so my lockdown clothes were much more chilled out!)

However after a few weeks of the same old thing it gets pretty boring, and lonely. I missed my family, I missed my friends, and I missed my boyfriend, Joshua. I missed how things us to be, simple, a fun routine where I could see the people who I loved whenever I wanted. I missed the usual anyhow things use to be. I buried my head in college essays and workbooks, I played video games until late at night, I hid away. 

Once a week or so, me and Joshua would go on a walk. I would go into the shop opposite me and get lunch for the two of us, he would walk up to meet me. We would then walk to the park near where we live and then walk down the little brook which flows behind it. We managed to find a little indent in the river where we would sit and eat our lunch. We would sit and talk for a while and then walk on until we reached the part where we had to part ways. They were always the days I would look forward to, the days where there was even the tiniest bit of normality. 

I guess relationships in lockdown aren't the easiest. Me and Joshua went days without seeing each other. We would play video games together but its not the same as sitting down together and watching a film or playing a game together while trying to annoy the other so you win. FaceTime definitely changed lockdown, we would FaceTime everyday, when we woke up, before we slept, throughout the day, just to try and make it seem like we were together. Things did get tense at times, were not a long distance kind of couple! We love spending time together and being in each others presence, we can't be apart. Well, I know I can't be away from him. 

Luckily lockdown was eased during the time of our two year anniversary, we went for a meal and then he came back to mine and we watched tv. Nothing too exciting but it was romantic and sweet. I will probably do a full post on our relationship and things like that! 

When lockdown ended (kind of) and I went back to college, I got to see my friends again, my family, and I got to live a more normal life again. We all did. Yes the fear of the Coronavirus was still there, but everyone was distracted by the normality. 

One of the biggest downfall of living in lockdown was the anxiety. Not knowing when you'll next see our loved ones. Not knowing if you'll see some of them again. Since Lockdown I can safely say that my anxiety has sky rocketed. I get worried over the slightest of things, if plans get canceled or pushed back, if I get a message which I can't check at that moment in time, if I get something wrong etc. I guess I'm writing this little part to help explain it more to myself so I can understand myself a little bit more. 

I suppose everyone has had different experiences in lockdown. I hope you are doing well. If not I hope I can help in any way possible. 

See you soon,

Mia xx




Thursday 13 August 2020

I Guess I'm Starting This Blog Back Up Again...


Last time I wrote properly on this blog I was fifteen. I had just going into year eleven in high school and I was extremely single. Since my last post everything has changed... but I'll explain more on that later on. Since my last post I have written twice on here to announce my latest blogs. I kept making new blogs before I realised that I should be grateful for what I have here, on this blog, with all you lovely people! I'm going to change it up a bit with the fonts, colours etc to make it more Twenty Twenty Mia! 

As I said before, since my last post and proper update, everything in my life has changed. I'm now seventeen, I've left school and I'm now in college studying my dream subject and I'm pretty happy with where I am now. Over the past few years I've had my ups and downs, mainly ups though. I guess I should start from where I left off...

I last wrote on here on the twentieth August Two Thousand and Eighteen. I was fifteen years old, had many friends and I was oblivious to everything going on around me. I began year eleven in September and by October I was dating the love of my life. I'm not on hundred percent sure how he'd feel about me writing this post so for now lets call him Joe. Everything was perfect, I had everything I could have ever wanted. Then Two Thousand and Nineteen hit. This is the year that broke me. January to March was fine, I coped. March, I lost all of my friends... well... more like "friends", stuff happened which I won't go into which left me alone. Stuff that made me lose all hope. Apart from my family, I only had Joe. I clung to him, rarely leaving his side, he'd walk me to class, walk with me too and from school, I ate with him and his friends. He helped me when no one else was willing. And for that I am forever thankful for him. 

In May I began my GCSE's, they went fine, I passed everything which was great! Then on the Eleventh August, my dog Holly passed away unexpectedly. That was the hardest thing I have ever had to deal with. I still struggle with this today. 

I managed to get into my dream college where I now study TV and Film (If anyone from Disney reads that, hit me up!) I have amazing friends who feel more like siblings and I still have the best boyfriend I could ask for! 

I have a few ideas for blog posts to do on this, I also have a Twitch channel which I'm planning on playing games on too! I'll add a link at the bottom so you can subscribe and join me in playing games! I'll be doing more posts and things, mainly about growing up, relationships, film and TV etc, if you have anything you want me to write about just comment below or tweet me @miajhughes.

Thank you for sticking by this blog.

See you soon

Mia xx




Monday 20 August 2018

It’s been a while

It’s been a while

Hellooooooooooooooooooooooooooo everyone,

It's been nine months since I last posted on here. I've been focusing on my school work and in all honesty, I just wasn't in the mood for writing. 

In a few weeks I'm going to be going into year 11 where I will be doing my GCSE's in maths, English, science, history, photography and possibly business. I  have been focusing really hard this past year to get the grades which I need to get into Media City Collage or UTC where I will be studying tv and film as I want to become a film director or a film producer. Both of these careers are quite hard to get into because to produce or direct a large film for a large company you need to have experience. University wise I originally wanted to go to the New York Film Academy which is obviously in New York which is 3,329 miles away from where I live in Manchester. After thinking for a while I have decided that I want to go to Salford University which is right by Media city which has studios for ITV, BBC and Coronation Street, I have decided that I want to go here because it focuses on film and TV and its not as far away as the New York film Academy. 

This year I have been to see a few different films, Black Panther, Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom, The Incredibles 2 and Avengers:Infinity War. I have only ever pre-booked one film before its release and that film was Avengers:Infinity War. I saw it on the 26th of April at 5pm, and all I can say is wow. Everything about that film was incredible. Every time the film switched to different characters, settings or time there would be a shock, a twist, a death in some cases. This is the movie which made me know one hundred percent that this was the industry that I wanted to go into when I am old enough. Last night at twelve pm Infinity War became available on digital download and I watched it again and I was still blown away, even for a second time. Every film I have seen this year has blown me away, compared to the films before them they have become even more sophisticated, even stronger and even better, showing how much film quality and content has improved over the many years. 

Seeing as how I haven't written in a while I want to tell you some things which I have learnt over the past 9 months, I don't know but it might help some of you, I know that writing it could help me come to terms with some of the events which have happened over the past 9 months.

1) All good things must come to an end. I know its often said and I know for a fact that I never listened to anyone who told me that because I never wanted to believe it. But now I know how true that saying is.
2) Letting go of the past will make you happier. I guess you just have to come to terms with the past and move on, no matter how hard it seems.
3) You will find happiness, whether its in friends, family, pets or yourself. You will find it.

Nothing much has changed over these nine months apart from my chosen career. I don't know when the next time I will post will be. I don't know if I will continue my blog. I might. I might not. But I guess no one knows what the future holds or what it contains for anyone... not even ourselves and were the only people who can control our futures. 

See you soon
Mia xx

Twitter- miahughes321

Wednesday 20 December 2017

My failed blogmas

My failed blogmas

Helloooooooooooooooooooooooooooo everyone,

So blogmas hasn't gone that well... I managed an amazing one day! I didn't realise when I said that I would do dogmas that I had tests at school coming up so I had to revise for them. I did okay in my maths but my science tests were terrible! I can't do science to save my life! I revised every night for the tests but still got terrible marks! 

Sorry blogmas has been such a failure this year! I'm going to try my hardest next year though!

See you soon,
Mia xx

Friday 1 December 2017

Blogmas day 1

Blogmas day 1

Helloooooooooooooooooooooooooo everyone,

Today is the 1st of December which means two things... Blogmas and Christmas! This post will just be an introduction to blogmas, I'm not too sure how long this years will last but I've done the last two years so I'll give this year a go!

This year I'm going to try and do more baking posts because I know you guys like them. As your probably well aware, I can see which posts are being viewed and when they are being viewed. My mince pies post from the other year is already getting views so I'm definitely going to try and bake some christmasy food for you guys! 

I can't wait to begin Blogmas! Sorry this post is so short I just wanted to write an introduction to blogmas just like I do every year!

See you soon,
Mia xx

Wednesday 25 October 2017

Options and tv shows

Giant catch up

Helloooooooooooooooooooooooo everyone,

I'm so sorry for not writing for ages but I've just not been in the mood and I've just started year 10 so I have loads for homework.

If your wondering where week 2 of my holiday is, I began writing it but like I said I was just not in the mood for it. Also its been 79 days since I got back so there isn't really any point. If you would like a post about it please don't hesitate to comment or tweet me asking for it :)

If you've read my post about the options that I've chosen then you will know that I've chosen photography which is a very demanding subject. Most weeks I have to complete a A3 piece of card on pictures or settings of cameras or things like that, and this takes ages! This week off I have 3 pages to do and so far I've done 1... so I don have an awful lot of free time. I also have Creative Imedia, English, maths and science homework so you get my point about not having a lot of free time. 

At the moment I'm looking for a work experience placement for 2018, I really want to work in tv, media or radio so living in Manchester, near Media City, is great! I'm hoping to get in somewhere which produces tv shows or in a radio station. 

Recently I have really began to like watching tv shows. In the past I haven't liked watching them and after a while I would get board of them, I watched How I Met Your Mother and I now absolutely love the show! I have finished it now and I am so upset that its leaving Netflix soon but Im also glad that I watched it just in time. I'm now watching Once Upon A time an I'm obsessed! So far I'm only on season 3 episode 7 but I highly recommend it.

I'm really looking forward to Christmas, I know its a few months away but I can't contain my excitement! 

I'm going to try and write a blog post or two each half term so I can focus on my school work, I hope you understand :)

I hope you enjoyed this post!
See you soon
Mia xx

Click on my google+ sign at the right of the screen to follow my google+ account
check out my pinterest- mia hughes
Twitter: twitter
Instagram: mia__hughes
Snapchat: Miahughes321

Wednesday 30 August 2017

2 Years!

2 Years!

Hellooooooooooooooooooooooooo everyone,

This is just going to be a really small post, I just wanted to say thanks for the past 2 years of this blog! It does not feel like this blog has been going for 2 years. Thanks soooooooo much :) <3 Also we recently hit 10,000 views so thanks so much for that <3

See you soon
mia xx