
Sunday 30 August 2015

My little blog

My Little Blog 

Sunday 30th August

Hello world !!!

This is my first blog post so I thought that I would tell you all a bit about me. I am called Mia and I am a 12 year old girl. I am going into year eight in a few days and I am really excited! I have grew up with a loving family my mum, my dad, and my brother. Oh and my lemon beagle holly ( which explains my profile picture!)

I have four best friends called Ryhanna, Jemima,Anneisha and Lara and i couldn't ask for better!

I love any Disney movie or show ( yes I still watch Disney channel) i love any music and i don't have any favorite artists as i love them all. I am also a huge fan of Zoella in fact she inspired to make this blog!!! I am also a huge fan of  ThacherJoe ( Joe Sugg) and Pointless Blog ( Alfie deyes ). Anyway i think you know a lot about me now and plus you will learn more about me in all of my future blogs 
see you soon byeeeeeeeeeeee <3<<3 :):)

oh please follow like share... all of my pages <3
twitter -@littleboxofmyl1
Facebook-mia hughes/ mias blog
and Instagram -littleboxofmylife 

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