
Thursday 17 August 2017

America!- week 1

America!- Week 1

Helloooooooooooooooooooooooo everyone,

I hope you have had a great few weeks I have! At the moment I'm off school for the summer holidays and its been great, its been super relaxing. After these holidays I go into year 10 and I begin my GCSEs! I'm actually really looking forward to this year as I get to do subjects which I enjoy and that I want to do. 

The first two weeks of the holidays I was in America on holiday with my mum, dad and brother. I have decided to do two posts on my holiday as it was two (more like 3 but you'll find out about that next post!) holidays in one so I thought I'd separate them.

I'm just going to pre warn you that this post is going to be VERY long!

Week 1, Day 1

We woke up at 4am to get ready. I wore some leggings, my Adidas trainers, a grey top which said Florida, Miami on it from Mango and a grey hoodie. I took my hand luggage downstairs which I had packed the day before which contained: my phone, charger, earphones, my iPad, my neck pillow, Harry Potter and the Philosophers stone book, and some sweets. At 4:45 the taxi came and picked us up and took us to the airport.

We were a bit early so we had to wait until the check in was ready, once it was open we checked in and headed to security. Usually I buzz when I go through security but I didn't this time which was great! After the we went to duty free. The first thing we did was go to have breakfast as we hadn't eaten. I had eggs benedict along with my mum and dad and bobby (my brother) had a bacon sandwich. Once we had cleared our plates we went to the gate and got on the plane, we hardly spent any time in duty free which was great!

We got onto the plane and I sat inbetween the window and my mum. I read my book for a while which I absolutely love! Then I slept for a few hours as I hadn't slept that night. When I woke up the flight attendants were handing out food. I had a turkey sandwich, it wasn't the best but I was hunger so I ate it. A few more hours passed and I read more of my book. Then after seven and a half hours we arrived at Newark Airport in New York.

We had a three hour wait before our connecting flight to Orlando international airport. We walked around for a bit and bought some food for the plane, then we went for a few drinks, obviously I'm way under age to have alcohol in both America and England so I had some lemonade. Then before long we were back on a plane heading to our holiday destination one! 

Once we got off the plane at Orlando International we had to wait around for an hour to get the cases. Once we had them all we went to the hotel. We stayed at Cabana bay resort in Universal. The hotel was amazing! Its all 50s and 60s themed, if you do want to goon holiday to Florida and want to go to the theme parks, I highly recommend staying here as you get into the Universal parks one hour before everyone else which is so helpful! The room we got was at the very end of the hotel! Once we were settled we ordered pizza to the room. Then we ate that and went to sleep.

Week 1, Day 2

We woke up at 4am due to jet lag (yay!). We all got ready and left the hotel at 7am to go to the parks. When we got to Universal we decided to go to Islands Of Adventure first as we wanted to go on some of the Harry Potter rides that are in that park. The first ride that we went on was Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey. This ride is a family favourite as we all love Harry Potter and its just an all round amazing ride! The ride is a motion simulator which takes you on a magical journey through Hogwarts. Not only is the ride amazing but so is queuing up! You queue up inside Hogwarts! You walk through class rooms and corridors, meet the sorting hat and the golden trio, and see all the talking pictures. Its incredible how they have done it! 

After the Harry Potter ride we went onto the ride next door which is also Harry Potter themed. This ride was dulling dragons, this ride is where two rollercoasters race each other. This ride was great! My mum doesn't like rollercoasters that much but she decided to go on this one and she loved it! 

After a magical morning in the wizarding world we decided to go over to the incredible hulk. I love this ride as its full of excitement and its so fast too! Whilst we were in the Marvel area we decided to go onto the Spider-man ride which was great! Of corse it doesn't have the best graphics due to the fact that its been there for years but its still an amazing ride! Afterwards we sat down and had a hotdog then we got on to the Hogwarts Express.

The train takes you from Islands of Adventure to Universal and vice verser. This is like a ride on its own, its amazing! When we got off the train we were in diagon alle so we got a butter beer. I love butter beer its just so nice, also its really cold which is great as it was hitting 40 degrees celsius!

We left Diagon Ally and we watched some people who were drumming on a construction sight, after that we went and watched the Blues Brothers as my dad loves them! Then we decided to go back to the hotel and go to pool for a bit. Then we went for tea and I had a cheese and tomato toasty. Then we went to the room and got changed.

We decided to go to Disney Springs and we went to the Blues restaurant. I had mac and cheese which was so nice, once we were done we went to the Disney store and I bought a blue mug with seagulls around it saying mine, the mug is from Finding Nemo, my personal favourite Disney Pixar film (this explains my love of fish and the ocean!). We then went to Basin a bath shop and we bought loads of bath bombs! Then we got an Uber back to the hotel and went to bed.

Week 1, Day 3

I woke up at 6:20am By now I'm getting use to the five hour time difference! I had a shower and got ready then we went to Universal. The first ride we went on was the 3D Harry Potter Gringots ride which was great! We then walked over to the Mummy. I don't really like indoor rollercoasters but I loved this one! After The Mummy we went over to the Jimmy Fallon ride, Race Through New York. This ride is one of Universals newest and its amazing! The graphics are out of this world (You'll understand this reference once you've been on this ride!)! Then me and my dad went on the Rip Ride Rocket, my personal favourite :) I've forgotten what music I listened to but I do know that we sat on the third row.

Afterwards we went to the other side of the park and went onto ET. I don't like ET, he freaks me out! Every time we go to Florida we have to go on this ride because my mum, dad and brother all love ET. Then we went over to the Simpsons, one of my favourite tv shows, and went on the ride there. We then had a burger and went bak to the hotel.

When we got to the hotel a huge thunderstorm began so we had to stay inside so I went into the shop in the hotel and got a Captain America plush which is super cute! Once the storm had passed we went into the pool for a bit. Then we got changed and went to Disney Springs. We went into Raglands Irish bar and I had a chicken pie which was so hot! 

We then decided to order an Uber to go back to the hotel. Once he was at DS he phoned my mum to tell her and it turns out that we were in the wrong pace so we had to walk round to meet him, we then got into the text and left. Everything was going great until he asked if we were going to HardRock Hotel and we said that we weren't. It turns out that we were in the wrong taxi. He was nice enough to take us to our hotel but the rest of the trip was in silence. We went straight to sleep once we got into the hotel room. 

Week 1, day 4

I woke up at 7:15, finally I have a normalish waking up time! We got up and went for some breakfast. I had pancakes and bacon which was so nice! It was chucking it down so we decided to go to a mall for a day, we walked around for a bit, going in and out of multiple shops I ended up buying a off the shoulder top from Hollister and 2 Funko Pops, Roo from Whinnie the Pooh and a beagle (because thats what bread my dog is). We then went for a Subway. 

We went back to the hotel and had some pizzas and went to the shop. We then went to the pool, then back to the room to get changed. I then had a hot dog and we went to Islands of Adventure and we went on the Hulk again and me and dad went onto Dr Dooms drop. Then we went to the hotel and went to bed. This day was more of a chill out day :)

Week 1, day 5

I woke up (I didn't record the time) and got ready and went straight to Islands Of Adventure. We went onto Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey for a second time (did I mention its a family favourite?!). Then my dad had to do something so me and Bobby went onto dulling dragons again. Then we went into a restaurant in hogsmade, I had pancakes which were so nice! After that we went to Jurassic park and went on the water ride there. We then went onto Kong which was so good! We then did Dudley do rights ripsaw falls which was amazing and totally cooled us down! My mum and brother went back to the hotel as they were both soaked so me and my dad went around the park some more. 

We went on to the Hogwarts express and had a look around diagon ally. Then we went to watch the blues brothers again, we then queued up for Rip Ride Rocket but as soon as we got to the front it began to thunder and the ride was closed down... typical! So we decided to leave but on the way out we bought some ice cream called dippin dots. we expected it to be ice cream with sprinkles but its tiny balls of ice cream! It was so weird :)

When we got back to the hotel we went to the pool. I must have forgot to finish writing up what happened that day so I don't have any more than that for day 5, sorry :)

Week 1, day 6

I woke up and got ready. We then went over to Volcano Bay, Universals newest park and first water park! We got some seats and the me and my dad went onto the biggest free fall waterslide in the world! It was amazing!! I will admit that I was scared because its so high up and I was worried that I would hit my head or something like that would happen, luckily it didn't! Quick tip for if you ever go on this, when you get into the tube close your eyes and mouth otherwise you will get water in your eyes and mouth and its not nice! 

We then went back to the hotel as the park was getting really busy. We went to the pool, then we had a rest in the room, then we went back to the pool. I walked around the hotel with my mum for a bit and I had a salad and went back to the room and went back down to the pool and read my book. I then went to sleep listening to my music. I wanted to go back up to the room but I was a bit hungry so I bought some lucky charms and milk. When I got back to the room I realised that we had no spoons so I made one out of a tag :) I then got changed and my family came up to the room and they got changed and we went to Disney Springs. We went into MAC and my mum bought some make up. I then bought a Minnie Mouse pen and we went into a pub and then we got a taxi (the right one this time!) and went back to the hotel.

Week 1, Day 7

Today was our last day in the parks so we got up and got ready. We went to universal studios and went straight over to Gringots bank to go onto the ride. We then went onto the Transformers ride which I love! Its strangely realistic. Then me and my dad went onto the rip ride rocket for the final time. After we went onto Shrek which is great. Then we went to Starbucks and I had a strawberry and cream cooler and a cheese and chorizo sandwich.

We then went to watch Animals Live. Animals are so smart! My favourite was the beagle puppy I just wanted to take it home! We then went over to Springfield and had a flaming moe. We then had a donut to share as there huge! 

We then got the Hogwarts express over to Islands of Adventure and we went to Hogsmade. I bought a notebook and bobby bought snape's wand.

We then went back to the hotel and me and my dad went to the shop and I bought my friends some badges. We then bought a ham and pineapple pizza, a pepperoni pizza and some garlic bread.

When we went back up to the hotel room we packed all our cases  and watched some tv. We then went to sleep.


I hope you enjoyed week 1! Keep an eye out for week 2 :) I'm sorry for such a long post. 
See you soon
Mia xx

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