
Monday 17 October 2016

Lots of Birthdays

Lots of Birthdays

Helloooooooooooooooooooooooooo everyone,

I hope you have all been feeling great over the past 2 weeks. Sorry I haven't written in a while.

On the 9th of October it was my friend Lara's birthday. I went round to her house and we played sims 4. (We both love this game.) Then we went to the Hunger Horse for some tea. I got a cheese burger and Lara got a plain burger. We went there with her mum, dad, grandma and granddad. Afterwards we went to her grandma and granddads for some birthday cake which was really nice. It was also her grandma and granddads dog Holly's birthday. 

On Saturday it was also my mums birthday. We had a party and loads of friends and family came round. Lara and Jemima also came round. It was really good.

Next week I'm going to London. I will be writing a post but it will be on my phone. The writing will be different but I'll edit it when I'm home.

I hope you enjoyed this weeks post!
See you soon
Mia xx

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