
Monday 22 February 2016

What do I do...? Part 2

What do I do...? Part 2

Hellooooooooooooooooooooooooo everyone,

So the other day I wrote about what happened at school so I thought that I'd give you guys a bit of a update :) Also we are at 1900 views!!! I think we might reach 2000 views by the end of the month :)!!! By the way If you haven't read my first post on this you might want to check it out :) -> Part 1 !

Anyway on Thursday I was in school and the boy who had found kept looking at me which made me feel quite worried. In the 5th period we were doing valentines cards and the boy who had found out who my crush was went over to my crush and asked him who he was writing to and said "why don't you write to Mia because she likes you." and my face went bright red and I didn't know what to say. Ryhanna went over to him and asked him about what had happened and he said he will think about it. I don't know that went because I didn't ask him anything so I was really confused. I am still confused now. I'll tell you more about it when I find out more.

See you soon
Mia xx

Monday 15 February 2016

Bobbys Blog

Bobbys Blog

Hellooooooooooooooooooooooooooo everyone,

Yesterday my brother was on his Xbox and was thinking about what game to play. He must have over 50 different games so I said "why don't  you start a gaming blog?" So I set him up a Google account and set him up a blog! 

His blogs called Bobs Game Reviews and he writes about his favorite games! If you are into gaming or want to get into gaming or simply just want to check it out then click on the link below!!:)

Sorry It's quite a short post :)
See you soon
Mia xx
Bobs Game Reviews ->  :) :)

Thursday 11 February 2016

What do I do..........!!!!!!

What do I do..........!!!!!!

Helloooooooooooooooooooooo everyone,

How are you all doing? I hope you have had a great day.

Today something horrible happened. Me and Ryhanna were talking about who we like and when I was talking about my crush we were walking passed the boys toilets towards the gates and my crush came out just as I was about to say his name :( Then he kept looking at us. then on the way home I nearly fell over next to him.

Then me and Ryhanna were outside a shop talking about what had happened earlier when some people that we know came up to us and one of them was my crushes friend!!!!!!!!! They overheard everything we had said too. So I made him promises not too tell. I really hope he doesn't.

Please comment below if something like this has happened to you before or if you have any advice for me you can tweet me, Instagram me or send me a Snapchat :) 

I hope you all enjoyed todays post
See you soon
Mia xx

check out my:
Twitter: Miajhughes
Instagram: Mia__Hughes

Snapchat: miajhughes321

Tuesday 9 February 2016



Hellooooooooooooooooooooooooo everyone,

I hope you are all feeling great. Sorry I haven't posted for a while I haven't been feeling too good and I have had test week at school.

Anyway for my birthday I got Sims 4 on my laptop and I'm addicted too it! I love it. I have created 5 family's and they are all neighbors and friends. Its great!!!!

The furniture is so cool too and I love how you can make the house look really cool. I just love the Sims!

Also if you have been wondering why I haven't done any YouTube videos its because I'm moving house so I am going to start uploading when I have a set background so I don't keep changing.

This is NOT and ad for Sims :)
I hope you enjoyed reading 
See you soon
Mia xx

Thursday 4 February 2016

Cool bedroom D.I.Ys

Cool bedroom D.I.Ys

Hellooooooooooooooooooooooo everyone,

I hope you are all okay, I'm sorry I haven't been writing for a while I haven't been feeling too well.

If you read my post about moving house you would know that well i'm moving house. I thought that I would write about cool D.I.Y things for your room.

  Twinkle light canopy
I really like this idea its very princessy.

Paint Chip Calendar
I love this. If you don't know what they are thy are paint sheets with dates written on it. They are in frames. You can use multi-colored pens to write on the dates and months!

How to Make a Yarn Wrapped Ombre Monogrammed Letter |

This is so cool (just make sure to get the letter for your name)

I hope this gave you some cool bedroom ideas.
See you soon
Mia xx

Click on my google+ sign at the right of the screen to follow my google+ account
 check out my FaceBook page: little box of my life
Twitter: Miajhughes
Instagram: Mia__Hughes
Snapchat: miajhughes321