Where have I been?
Helloooooooooooooooooooooooooooo everyone,
I hope you are all feeling great! I last posted on the 14th of April and its now the 2nd of May. So as you can probably see I have not posted for a while but I have a reason. I have got tests coming up this week on the Thursday, Friday and Monday. On each day I have two tests so I have been revising every spare second I have.
Because I have been away for so long, I thought that I would do like a April favorites.
Its my brothers birthday on Friday so we have been doing and organizing things for it. On Saturday we went to see the new Captain America film Civil War. I am now obsessed with it. I watched The First Avenger yesterday and I want to watch The Winter Soldier today. If you haven't seen the films I would 100% recomend them. They are incredible!
I have also been loving Pinterest click here to go to my Pinterest I post about the Hunger Games, Harry Potter, bedroom ideas, facts and funny quotes
I also love the maze runner book. It is amazing and I cant wait to read the rest. I am still on the first book but I will post more about them when I have finished them.
There is something that I have not been loving recently too. That is the weather. I live in England so its usually its pretty cold but this week it has snowed, rained, its been sunny,its hail stoned its been crazy. One second it would be raining and the next it would stop, snow and rain a bit more!
Anyway I hope you have enjoyed this post.
See you soon
Mia xx
Click on my google+ sign at the right of the screen to follow my google+ account
check out my pinterest- mia hughes
Twitter: twitter
Instagram: mia__hughes
Snapchat: miajhughes321
Because I have been away for so long, I thought that I would do like a April favorites.

I have also been loving Pinterest click here to go to my Pinterest I post about the Hunger Games, Harry Potter, bedroom ideas, facts and funny quotes
There is something that I have not been loving recently too. That is the weather. I live in England so its usually its pretty cold but this week it has snowed, rained, its been sunny,its hail stoned its been crazy. One second it would be raining and the next it would stop, snow and rain a bit more!
Anyway I hope you have enjoyed this post.
See you soon
Mia xx
Click on my google+ sign at the right of the screen to follow my google+ account
check out my pinterest- mia hughes
Twitter: twitter
Instagram: mia__hughes
Snapchat: miajhughes321
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