A huge catch up and an announcement !!!
Hellooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo everyone,
I know that I haven't written in a long time, 4 weeks to be exact !!! I do have a good excuse though!
On the 11th June I moved house !! So over the past few weeks my room had been full of boxes and my laptops been in a box. My room is so cool! I actually have 2 rooms, well 2 box rooms which have now been joined together so I have an archway so I can get into both rooms :) one of the rooms is going to be a Hollywood themed room which I am really looking forward to :) In the pond we have a pond which has got 10 fish in it too :) Holly (my dog) loves the garden too :) The Wi-Fi is really bad though :(
On the Sunday after we moved house, we went to a charity football tournament which my dads company was sponsoring. It was great, the weather was a bit of a let down though but that's England for you :) My dad, 2 uncles, 2 of my uncles friends and some people from my dads work had a football team. I think they came 4th but it was really fun.
School finishes in 2 weeks and I cant wait. In September there will be 3 Hughes in my school, me, my cousin and now my brother !!
over the past few weeks I have really been into any marvel films like the x-men and the Avengers. I have also been into snap chat I have been sending my friends Ryhanna and Jemima loads of pics. I don't post on social media a lot as you probably know if you follow me on any.
You can probably guess what my announcement is. Yes I am going to start a YouTube channel. Once my rooms all decorated and looks amazing then I am going to. I can't wait to start this new journey with you guys and continue on my blog :) Also we have just passed 2600 views which I am so so so thankful for <3 <3 <3
I hope you have enjoyed this post and comment down below what videos you want to see me film <3
See you soon
Mia xx
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Instagram: mia__hughes
Snapchat: miajhughes321