A trip to the zoo
Helloooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo everyone,
3000!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't believe we have had 3000 views on this blog :) Thanks so so so so so so so much :) It means the world to me :)

On Tuesday I went to the Blackpool zoo and it was so good!!! There were loads of animals (as you can see) The lamas were so cute. They are taller than I thought they were. The lemurs were probably some of the best animals there. There so cute and really funny this is how they were all sat. either like that or with there legs spread out in front of them!!
The giraffes didn't do much they all just stood in the same position. But the gorillas were very cool there were 4 or 5 there and they were all following the Silver back around.then they sat down and began to eat the hay. The youngest gorilla got up some of the ropes and swung around for a while.
This is a Chines soft shell turtle but I like to call him a happy turtle.Just look at his face. He's loving life :) I have forgot what this monkey was called so I call him the mustache monkey. He only popped his head out for a few seconds but luckily I had my phone at the ready :)
There were about 4 tigers here and they were all huge. there was one under a tree and one in a water pool and two just walking around. There were about 7 penguins here which I was very happy about as there my favorite animal. There is a part where you can see under the water and you can see them swimming around!!
There were other animals there like kangaroos, wallabies, wolves, elephants, lizards, turtles, emus, porcupines and loads more I would definitely recomend going here. Its a great day out for everyone :)
I hope you enjoyed this post
see you soon
Mia xx
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