
Sunday 24 July 2016

End of year 8 !!

End of year 8 !!

Hellooooooooooooooooooooooooo everyone,

I hope you are all feeling fine :) On Wednesday at 12:30 I finished year 8 and I am so happy :) But because we have just moved house we aren't going on holiday this year I don't think but we are going to be doing a lot of different things and I cant wait!! On Tuesday we are going to the zoo. We haven't gone there in years and I cant wait :)

Unfortunately I have hurt my shoulder so we can't do anything to active :(

Today I went to my cousins house for his birthday. Me, my brother and my other cousin played Pokémon Go for a while and then we played with his Pug Walter who is really cute !!

That's all :) I hope you enjoyed this post :)
See you soon
Mia xx
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