
Thursday 7 January 2016

My Birthday Trip!!

My Birthday Trip!!

Hellooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo everyone
I hope you are all okay and feeling great. If you have read my 15 things about me post you would know that in just 2 days its my 13th birthday!!!!!!!!!

For years I have wanted to go to London mostly because there is always a great photo opportunity around every corner. I also just love the shops and the places to go. The other day my mum shouted me down from my room and surprised me by telling me that we were going to London.  I cant wait.

We have bought tickets for the London Eye, Madame Tussauds and a few other places but I cant wait.

I am not too sure if I'm going to be posting over this weekend but I definitely will be posting on Tuesday about my trip.

See you soon
Mia xx 

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