
Thursday 14 January 2016

My trip to London

My trip to London

Hellooooooooooooooooooooooooooo everyone,

I hope you are all okay <3

The other day was my birthday so me, my mum, my dad and my brother decided to go to London for my birthday.

We stayed in the Park Plaza Westminster Bridge hotel and it was gorgeous!! From the balcony we could see the London Eye and Big Ben!!!! I couldn't have been more happier :) On the first night we decided to go on the London Eye and it was incredible! We could see for miles.

On the next day we got up and got ready and jumped on a tube to Madame Tussauds. It was so cool!! I got to have a selfie with Kim Kardashian (I think that's how you spell it) and see Katniss Everdean I also got to see Zoella and Alfie Deyes!!! I would recommend it to any one.

Then we went to Oxford Street and it was amazing. I don't think I have ever experienced any thing like it. Obviously I went to Lush and I got 7 bath bombs!!!!! We also went to Harrods and it felt se elegant and fancy. 

Then we went to The London Dungeons and they were so cool although I got a bit scared at times ;)

That night when we went back to the hotel room my brother found out that The Hunger Games Catching Fire was on the TV and I was so happy as this is my favourite film ever :) This started at about 11pm and at 12:7am on Sunday the 10th January I turned 13 years old!!!!!!!!!!!!!! When the film had finished we decided to go to bed.

We woke up at about 7am and we had ordered room service as it was my birthday and as I walked into the living room I say a small pile of gifts for me :) I had got: A card, Hunger Games Mockingjay book, Mockingjay pin and hunger games pin and a few other things.

We got ready and went to the Queens palace and watched changing of the guards and then we had to catch the tube to the train station to get home.

The train ride was ok. I mean I didn't really pay much attention as I was ether on my phone or reading my book.

When I got in there was banners on the doors and balloons :) and on the table was a even bigger pie of gifts for me!!!!!!!!! I was so happy.. I got: a mirror, unicorn lamp, socks, Hunger Games Catching Fire book, 3d stickers and the best gift of all I got a signed photo from the cast of the Hunger Games!!!!!!!!!!!! That's Jennifer Lawrence, Josh Hutcherson and Liam Hemsworth :)

I am going to put up a post with my pictures on it and I start YouTube on Saturday so stick that in your calendars :)

See you soon
Mia xxx


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