
Thursday 22 October 2015

A-Z Of My Life

A-Z  Of My Life

Hellooooooooooooooooooooooo everyone,
The other day I was thinking about what to write about and I was reading a vlogging book and it had a a-z of vlogging and I thought that that it would make a great blog post so hear we go!!:)
A- Alison, This is my mums name so it means a lot to me
B-Bobby, This is my brothers name
C-Cupcakes, These are my favourite treat yum :)   
D-Darren, This is my dads name so again it means a lot to me
E- Elephant, they use to be my favourite animals
F-Family, My family is very big and I love them all
G-Girl online, This is my favourite book
H-Hughes, as it is is my last name so obviously it means a lot to me
I-IPhone, I have always had an IPhone and the iPhone 3 was my first phone
J-Jemima, This is the name of one of my best friends
K-Kick, I can not kick a ball or anything as I'm really bad at sport  :)
L-Lush, This is my all time favourite shop I love it there
M-Mia, as its my name
N-New York, it is my favourite city
O-Oli white, He is one of my favourite vloggers
P-Pink, This is one of my favourite colours
Q-Queued, I had to queue for a long time in America so I could get on the rides
R-Ryhanna, This is my best friend Ryhanna
S-Sugg, Joe Sugg is my all time favourite vlogger oh I'm meeting him in 2 days 
T-Three, This is my all time lucky number. I don't quite know why though
U-Universe, I guess it just amazes me how big the universe is and the fact that I love space so I guess it makes sense.
V-Vlog, I want to become a vlogger when I'm older  
W-Wesel, this is a knick name that I call my brother but he hates it ;)
X-X-ray, I had to have some when I was younger on my knee but I'll tell you about that another time
Y-You, Everyone who reads my blogs means so much to me so thank you so much xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Z-Zalfie, I love Zoe and Alfie and I think they are the cutest couple ever

So now you know a bit more about me and I hope you enjoyed reading this.
My next blog will ether be tomorrow or Saturday as on Saturday I'm going to meet Joe Sugg. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa I'm so excited
Any way see you soon
Mia xx :)
Oh please go check my new page its all my favourite youtube videos. So go on check it out :)

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