
Sunday 25 October 2015

My Mix Up ;)

My Mix Up ;)

Hellooooooooooooooooooooooo everyone,
We're at 800 views on this blog !!!!!!!!!!!!!! I know, I know its not like Zoella with 9 million subscribers but its still a big achievement I guess......... I just want to thank you all so much :) :)
Anyway the other day I said that I was going to meet Joe Sugg on Saturday. Its now Sunday and I haven't seen Joe yet :( That's not because I forgot or anything it was just well me being typical me. I got the date mixed up. I don't quite know how I mixed up the 24th October with the 27th October but any way I'm going to see Joe on the 27th October so I'll write about that soon.
I'll see you soon with another blog post
See you soon
Mia xx :)

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