
Monday 12 October 2015

Autumn Walks

Autumn Walks

Helloooooooooooooooooo everyone,
Do you and your family of friends all have those few traditions like going to a pantomime/play on Christmas eve(I'll talk about that nearer the time).
Well every year we go conker picking. A bit weird I know but we all think its a great time to get fresh air and go on a nice autumn walk.
So on Sunday (yesterday) I went to stile woods with my mum, dad, brother Bobby, my nana, my granddad, my aunty and my aunties boyfriend and we all went out and found loads of conkers. My dad and my aunties boyfriend decided to get a stick and through them at the tree so the conkers would fall down, and it worked. We got thousands down and it was so fun.
Next we went to a pub near by and I got a Sunday dinner (Chicken, gammon, carrots, mash potato, roast potato's, Yorkshire puddings, sweet corn and gravy) and it was so nice.
Then we went to my nannas and granddads house and had some cake as it was my nannas birthday.
So that's what we do on our autumn walk traditions. Comment down below your traditions
See you soon
Mia xx :)  

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