
Saturday 21 November 2015

help !!!!!!!!!!

Help !!!!!!!!!!!!

Hellooooooooooooooooooooooooo everyone,
Firstly I just want to thank you all as we have now reached 1000 views on this blog and I couldn't be more happier you are all amazing thank you so much <3 <3
Secondly as you all know Christmas is coming up and I have been going on about it non-stop (sorry about that). But there is one thing that I don't dislike about Christmas but don't like doing and that is shopping for presents. I don't like doing it because I'm terrible at getting people really cool present's!! Last year I think I got my dad a packet of crisps :)
If you know any good presents for family and friends Please tell me because I think they think I'm taking the mick but I'm not I'm just really bad at getting gifts for people :)
Please comment any good girts for family and friends to get them because I really need help :)
Hope you enjoyed reading
See you soon
Mia xx :)  

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