
Wednesday 18 November 2015

My school day

My school day

Hellooooooooooooooooooooo everyone,
As most of you probably know I am 12 years old so that means that I have to go to school, I am not going to name my school for obvious reasons but I am going to tell you about my day at school on a Tuesday :)
I wake up at 6:45 and I go on my phone. I usually watch a few YouTube videos. Then at 7:00 I get up and get dressed then I brush my teeth and go downstairs. then I have my breakfast and do my hair. Then my dad drops me off at Tescos (a shop near my house) and I meet Ryhanna (my best friend) and we walk to school which takes about 20 minutes.
When we get to school we go to Ryhannas form room and we meet my friend Jemima. When the bell goes I go to my form and we have our form time.
First period is maths which is ok apart from I cant do and I struggle with maths.
Then we have science which I'm surprisingly good at. Then Its break where me Jemima and Ryhanna just chat about well whatever. Next is P.E and I am terrible at sports which means that I hate P.E !!
Next is Spanish today we had a test and I think I did okay but I don't know if I did great.
Then its lunch. Today we ate in the corridors as it was raining really heavily and we didn't want to get wet.
Then it was English and we started to read War Horse so far its Quite good.
Lastly it was History where we are learning about what it was like for women in the 1900s.
Me and Ryhanna got a lift home from my mum as it is starting to get dark, so my mum dropped me off at home because my brother had to have his hair cut so when I was at home I watched some YouTube and started to write this.
I hope you enjoyed reading :) comment down below if you want me to do more posts like this
See you soon
Mia xx :) 

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