
Tuesday 17 November 2015

Moving House

Moving House

Helloooooooooooooooooooo everyone,
The other day I got told that I was moving house. I have lived in this house since I was 1 day old.
I love this house so much and I have so many memories in this house. like when my bedroom was being made and when we bought my dog home and so on.
I have never moved house. I guess I'm excited about moving but I'm scared that I'm going to forget something but I know that I won't.
When I move house I am going to start my YouTube channel because I was going to start it after Christmas but now that I'm moving I don't want to confuse anyone with the background changes and plus I'm not too good at editing videos so I'm going to be practicing that in the mean time so that the videos are fun for you to watch <3
If you have moved house before and have any advice for me please comment it down below :)
Hope you enjoyed reading
Mia xx :)

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