
Thursday 5 November 2015

Q And A

Q and A

Helloooooooooooooooooo everyone,
Before I went onto google and found some questions and I am going to answer them. Just so you can get to know me a bit more although you already know a lot about me.
  •  thing you can not leave the house without?                                             
        My phone. 100%
  • favourite brand of make up?
       I love benefit make up. I just find it really nice and refreshing
  • Favourite flower?
       my favourite flower is lily there just so beautiful
  • favourite clothes store?  
       probably Forever 21 and New Look
  • Favourite perfume?
       Gucci Bamboo (I think that's how you spell it)
  • Heals or flats?
       Flats. I do wear heals but not as much as flats (and I find then comfier)
  • do you have good grades
       my grades are ok I do get good grades but I don't get the best grades in maths
  • favourite colour
       ether pink or violet
  • do you have any phobias
       Yes I am terrified of needles or injections or blood tests or anything like that
  • Do you like swimming
       Yes I love swimming I just find it really calming and fun
I hope you learned a bit more about me today and that you enjoyed reading
see you soon
Mia xx

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