
Tuesday 29 September 2015



Hellooooooooooooooooo  everyone,
I bet your thinking "all the bloggers/vloggers have anxiety" and its true most of us do. For example, Zoella, she has anxiety.
I only told my friend Jemima today at lunch, so I thought I'd tell you about it too. I started getting anxiety when I was 6 and it wasn't nice. I mostly got  it about school and  I'd tell myself things like "the works going to get a lot harder" or "all of my friends are going to hate me" and it made me feel really small and  upset especially as I got bullied when I was in primary (I'll write about that another time though) and it was horrible. 
Anyway recently it has been getting a lot worse like I fainted in my science class and I had a few panic attacks in my room (I think they are related) and I don't know what to do so I put on my music and just listen to the lyrics of the music.
Do you get any anxiety? If so how do you deal with it?
I promise tomorrow will be a bit more cheerful. I just wanted to tell you all about this.
See you soon
Mia xx :)   

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