
Monday, 14 September 2015

My Trip To The Trafford Centre !

My Trip To The Trafford Centre

Helloooooooooo everyone,
So on Saturday I went to the Trafford Centre with my mum whilst my dad and brother Bobby were at the Manchester United match where they played against Liverpool (I think, oh and all of my family are big Manchester united fans if that makes sense) and I'm going to tell you what I got and show you as I have took some pictures so that you can see what I got and what they all look like.


So I got a really cute outfit the dress is pink and black. Its made from wool and it was from Dorothy Perkins and it was £24  (I couldn't find the pounds button). The black top is a super cute turtle neck with 7 silver buttons. It was from Atmosphere and cost £8.
I wore  this outfit to my aunties party. I wore it with some black tights and plain black slip on shoes.
I also got some pink socks from pink and they cost £7.

So this is my dress sorry about the back ground
These are my socks from pink and there so fluffy


First I picked up Love Tanya by Tanya Burr and she tells you what her childhood was like and advice on love, health, fashion, hair and nail polish and makeup. It was £12.99 from WHsmiths and I love it.
I also got Username-Evie by Joe Sugg and its so cool its a comic design and I have read it twice in 3 days, it cost £15 and was from WHsmiths. They are both really good and would recommend to anyone.
These are the books and they are soooo cool

Make-up and purfume

So I also got some Free perfume samples and free make-up samples. The perfume samples I got were Acqua Di Parma, Rosa Nolile, which smells so nice and a bit like flowers, I also got Eternity Now by Calvin Klein which smells like sour sweets its so nice. Lastly I got Si by Giorgio Armani which smells like the sea and its amazing.
I also got some free make-up from Clinique and its really nice I got some mascara, super primer and some foundation. It's do soft and really nice.
This one wasn't free, It was Zoellas make-up bag which cost £7 from super drug and its so cute.
This is my make-up bag by Zoella
These are the Clinique make-up that I got 

These are the free perfume samples that I got

Bath bombs

I also got some bath bombs from lush and they cost £3.65 each and I got four and there so nice I got Think Pink, Frozen, Sakura and I got a bubble bar called creamy candy. Think pink has three flowers on top of a pink bath bomb. Frozen which inspired by the Disney movie frozen and its sky blue with a dark blue line around it and its really sparkly. Sakura is white with pink, green and blue speaks in it and on the top there's pink and green lumps on top and it looks so fizzy, and the last one I got was a bubble bar which is where when your baths running you break it up and it makes lots of bubbles.
That's all that I got from the Trafford centre.
See you soon,
Mia xx

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