
Sunday 20 September 2015



Helloooooooooooooo everyone,
So today me and Ryhanna PRANKED BOBBY !!! We went to a shop near mine called Londis and we were looking for lots of sticky notes, but we couldn't find any so we decided to get the next best thing. Toilet role !! so when we got to mine we went straight into Bobby's room and we went crazy! We put it on his bed, on his wardrobe  and we even wrapped up his shoes!! Next we wrapped up all of his ornaments and his XBox remotes.
Next we put sticky notes all over his door and we wrote " you have been pranked !" on some and YouTubers names on others. He had no idea :) 
When he came home he wanted to go straight out to play but luckily my Mum said that he had to go and get changed.When he went up stairs he screamed when he saw his room! But the truth is... He actually liked it !!!But now he wants to get revenge on Ryhanna and me!! 
So that's what happened with the prank 
See you soon Mia xx :)

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