
Tuesday 8 September 2015

What I do when im ill :(

What I Do When I'm Ill

Hellooooooooooooo everyone,
So today I'm stuck at home because I'm ill :(
So I thought that I'd write about what I do when I'm ill.
So when I feel really ill I usually have stomach ache as I have something wrong with my stomach so I get really bad pains in the right side of my stomach:( I get up and tell my Mum and Dad that I'm not well ( because I'm only 12) and if they say yes ( like today but most of the time I go into school as the stomach ache happens regularly like the time I was in my head of years class and I nearly fainted because of the stomach ache. I WANTED TO DIE because it was in front of the WHOLE CLASS !!! ) then I go back to bed. When my brother goes to school I go down stairs with my duvet and lye on the sofa. Watching Disney Channel as I love Disney.
About 1 hour later I get up and make a hot water bottle and a hot chocolate ( ill tell you how to make the perfect hot chocolate at the end ) then I sit down on the sofa.
About 11:30 I go and get my lunch I like to have a cheese, mayo and coleslaw sandwich. Oh and another hot chocolate :)
After lunch I try to have a nap but I can never get to sleep during the day which is a bit strange but oh well.
Then I watch some vlogs like Zoella, ThatcherJoe and Pointless blog ill put the links down below.
Then my Dad gets home and we have tea. I only have a small portion as I'm ill :)
Then we all go and relax on the sofa and watch the soaps.
Then it's bed time and I go and cuddle up in my bed and go to sleep.
So that's what I do when I'm ill
The recipe for the perfect hot chocolate is down below
See you soon
Mia xx :) <3
click the link below to go to
Zoellas YouTube channel
click the link below to go to
thatcherjoes channel
click the link below to go to
pointless blogs channel
How to make the perfect hot chocolate a delicious hot chocolate powder
2. put 4 heaped tea spoons into your favourite mug
3. poor milk into your mug and stir the hot chocolate and milk into a paste
4. add hot water to the hot chocolate paste
5. mix them both together
6. add whipt cream and mini marshmallows' on top
7. enjoy :) :) :)

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