
Thursday 17 September 2015



Helloooooooooooo everyone,
Sorry for not writing for a few days. I have been doing things for this blog. Me and my Dad have been making a website for this blog (I'll leave a link for the website down below) and yesterday me and Ryhanna filmed a video and were going to put it on YouTube.
Anyway I want to write about my family, they mean so much to me.
My mum and dad are a huge inspiration to me they are on the go constantly they get me up in the morning and make me my tea at night. they are amazing !!!
Next is my little brother Bobby he's so funny. He might be a bit moody and sometimes a bit mean but deep down I know he loves me :)
I have 3 nana's and 3 granddads who I love to bits they are all so amazing!!
I also have 3 aunties and 3 uncles and they are all amazing
I have 3 cousins and 1 on the way which I'm sooooooo excited. I'm the only girl cousin which has its downs but at the end of the day you get most of the attention ;)
so that's all of my family they all so amazing and I'm so happy to be part of it
See you soon
Mia xx :)

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