
Sunday 18 December 2016

Blogmas day 12: NYC day 3

Blogmas day 12: NYC day 3

Hellooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo everyone,

I hope you are all feeling great! Today's post is still on New York. I am going to try to write all the posts that I need to upload today so I can catch up on Blogmas.

Day 3-
I woke up at 2:30 (in England it would have been 7:30) my mum and brother were already wake. I went on my phone and my mum and brother went to Starbucks to get two coffees and two hot chocolates. But Starbucks was closed so they went to a small cafe and got the drinks and came back. When they arrived back my dad was awake too. We watched TV and drank our drinks. Then we got ready and went out. We went to ground zero. It was so sad. Ian going to upload a post on pictures I have took after blogmas. Afterwards we walked around for a while and we got a bit lost so we decided to take the subway. Luckily we got off at the right stop and we got off at Bryant park. It was so cute. They had small stalls and a large ice rink. we looked around and got hot chocolates. It was beginning to get late so we went to a pub and got our tea. Then we went back to our hotel and we watched the Goonies. 

I hope you liked today's post.
See you soon
Mia xx

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