
Saturday 3 December 2016

Blogmas day 3: favorite Christmas adverts

Blogmas day 3: favorite Christmas adverts 

Hellooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo everyone,

If you live in the UK you would all know that we look forward to the Christmas adverts beginning, especially the John Lewis advert. Here are my favorites! (these are in no particular order)

John Lewis-

I love this ad, I think its so creative and I'm in love with Buster the boxer! He's so cute <3 Who ever thought of this is a genius! 

Coke Cola-

This ad doesn't need an explanation, its a classic and just had to be included. The Holidays are coming!


I love this. it's so cute! I love how they included love into a McDonald's ad!


Move over Santa, Mrs Claws is here!


Its so simple! All you need is family to celebrate Christmas. 

Tk Maxx

When I first saw this ad I loved it. Its unusual and funny.


It's adorable how her heart grows each time she gives out a gift. This is definitely one of my favorite ads.

I hope you all enjoyed Blogmas day 3!
See you soon
Mia xx

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