
Sunday 13 December 2015

Blogmas Day 12: Chill factor

Blogmas Day 12: Chill factor

Hellooooooooooooooooooooooooo everyone,

Yesterday I went to the Chill Factor whish is a building where there is loads of snow and its freezing.

I went there with my mum, Dad, brother, nana and granddad. It was only me and Bobby who went on the snow though.

We wend on a sledge down  huge hill, down a icy slide on a sledge and down a slope on some doughnuts. It was really fun :) I stayed in there for about 50 minutes but it got far too cold for me so I went back inside but Bobby stayed in there for 1 hour!!! Some how Bobby doesn't have a cold but I do:( 

After that we went to the Trafford centre and we went to Chao baby a restaurant in there. We also went to lush and I got a bath bomb called intergalactic and It looks so cool :)
I hope you enjoyed Yesterdays post (I'm writing this a day late, sorry)  
See you soon
Mia xxx

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