Blogmas day 22: what I do on Christmas day

Helloooooooooooooooooooooooooo everyone,
I hope you are all ok. Sorry this is a bit late My laptop wasn't charging up and it kept closing its self down (something's seriously wrong with this laptop!)
I thought that I would write about what I do on Christmas day.
I wake up at about 2:30 am and open up my stocking which is under my pink sparkly Christmas tree in my room. Then I go back to sleep until about 5:30 when I just lie in bed and wait for the clock to go onto 6am and I go downstairs and wake up my brother and my mum and dad and we all open up our stockings and my mum and dads bed. Then we all go downstairs and open up our presents. This takes about 1 and a half hours. Then all my family comes round and we all give and receive presents.
Some of my family stays and we have a Christmas dinner which my mum, dad, granddad and grandma all make. It always tastes amazing. Then we all play games and watch Christmas movies.
I hope you liked reading. Comment what you love about Christmas below :)
See you soon
Mia xx
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