
Wednesday 2 December 2015

Blogmas Day 2: What I Love About Christmas

Blogmas day 2:What I love about Christmas

Helloooooooooooooooooooooooooooo everyone,
I'm soooooooo sorry its a bit late but oh well its hear now :)
Anyway its Blogmas day 2 and I'm writing about what I love about Christmas. Christmas is my favourite time of year but I don't know why. I guess that I love how its cold and cosy and in January its my birthday !!!!! 
I love how festive it is too. All the music and films and food and family and friends and the list goes on :)
Here in the UK it hardly never snows (well in Manchester anyway) but when it does it usually rains straight afterwards  and it goes from a thin layer of fluffy snow to wet slushy gooey stuff. This wet slushy stuff would get into your shoes and well yeah its not too nice. But that's all part of it I guess :) 
I remember it was Christmas eve and it started to snow so straight away me my mum my brother and my dad all ran out and we started playing around in the snow. Then it began to rain but we stayed outside until it was slush but it was amazing :)
I also love gifts but mostly giving them because I love seeing there reactions :)
I really hope you enjoyed reading :)
Comment below what you love about Christmas :)
See you soon 
Mia xx :)    

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