
Sunday 20 December 2015

Blogmas day 17 & 18: Giving out gifts and finishing school for the holidays

Blogmas day 17 & 18: Giving out gifts and finishing school for the holidays

Helloooooooooooooooooooooooooooo everyone,

Sorry I haven't posted for a few days but I am going to catch up now. I thought that I would join up day 17 and day 18 because they are kind of related.

Blogmas day 17
On the 16th I wrote that I was wrapping up my friends Christmas presents, but I didn't tell you what it was. Now I can tell you guys what it was. It was a Lush bath bomb called Butter bear and it was so cute. I think they all liked them.

Blogmas day 18
On the 18th I only had half a day because it was the end of term!!! We all had to stay in our forms and we played games and talked to everyone and we also listened to music. We finished at 12:35 and my mum picked me up and we went out for a meal.

I hope you enjoyed this post 
see you soon
Mia xx

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