
Thursday 10 December 2015

Blogmas Day 9:Making mince pies (By Tanya Burr)

Blogmas Day 9: Making Mince pies (By Tanya Burr)

Helloooooooooooooooooooooo everyone,
I hope you are all ok.
The other day I made some mince pies and they were sooooooo cute. I followed Tanya Burrs recipe and I'll put a link for it bellow :)
You will need:
Ready rolled pastry
Mince (Raisins, currants..)
Sparkly icing sugar
a round cutter
a cute pattern for the lids
A baking tray
How to make them
Sprinkle the flour on a surface (So the pastry wont stick) and place the pastry on the flour. Role out the pastry and use your circle cutter too cut out the bases of the mince pies. Place them in the baking trays and fill them with mince. (Don't fill them too the top though) cut out the lids with the cute cutter and place on top of the mince pies and place them in the oven.
Take them out and sprinkle the sparkly icing sugar on top and enjoy :)
To find out the details click on the link ->
The link also has 2 other recipes that you can check out :)
I hope you enjoyed
See you soon :)
Mia xx
These are my mince pies :) I think they worked out quite well :)


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