
Tuesday 15 December 2015

Blogmas day 13: Going to the Manchester markets

Blogmas day 13: Going to the Manchester Markets


Hellooooooooooooooooooooo everyone,
I hope you are all okay I am so busy at the moment with school and getting my friends presents and well yeah I have been super busy.
On Sunday (The day I was suppose to put up this post) me, my mum, my dad and bobby all went to Manchester so we could go to the Markets and it was super fun.
There was lots of shops and thousands of people. It was so busy but it was amazing. We got a hot dog and had a look around. There was too many people there so we decided to go and we went to The Midland hotel and I had a glass of coke and then we went home.
Going to the Manchester Markets always makes me feel super Christmassy.
I hope you enjoyed reading
See you soon
Mia xxx

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