
Wednesday 16 December 2015

Blogmas day 16: wrapping my friends gifts

Blogmas day 16: wrapping my friends gifts

Helloooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo everyone,
About 10 minutes ago I wrapped my friends Christmas gifts. I wont tell you what they are because they might read this :)
I think they look  quite cute. They are wrapped up in brown wrapping paper with small Santa's printed in it.
There are 4 gifts and I really like them I think they are really cute.
Unfortunately I have ran out of bows and ribbons too tie them up in but oh well :)
I really hope they like them. Fingers crossed they do.
I'm sorry this post is quite short but tomorrows should be quite long but we will see tomorrow!!!
See you soon
Mia xxx
Here is all me presents that I have wrapped

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